Instead, and presumably due to flexibility in the linkers between the MIR and the GFP, an icosahedrally-averaged pattern of density is seen with the greatest concentration being over the 2-fold axes where apparent spikes arise from the capsid surface, and at around the 3-fold and 5-fold axes

Instead, and presumably due to flexibility in the linkers between the MIR and the GFP, an icosahedrally-averaged pattern of density is seen with the greatest concentration being over the 2-fold axes where apparent spikes arise from the capsid surface, and at around the 3-fold and 5-fold axes. particles can be produced with unmodified MIRs, or … Continue reading Instead, and presumably due to flexibility in the linkers between the MIR and the GFP, an icosahedrally-averaged pattern of density is seen with the greatest concentration being over the 2-fold axes where apparent spikes arise from the capsid surface, and at around the 3-fold and 5-fold axes